LIFE – Lowering Inflammation for Everyone – COPE-ID 94279-TD
Presented by Professor John Nolan
1 hour
This course presents the newest information on the link between macular (eye) carotenoids and oxidative stress, and how these nutrients can reduce systemic inflammation, with positive implications eye and brain health, and cardiometabolic disease.

Metabolic, Nutritional and Endocrine Aspect of Concussion Recovery – What an Optometrist Should Know – COPE ID 92690-NO
Presented by Dr. Paul Hrkal
2 hours
Concussions are one of most common neurological injuries in the world and new research is being published monthly with a direct impact on optimal clinical management. In this lecture, Dr Hrkal will condense and summarize the latest literature on the pathophysiology of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) with a specific focus on the nutritional, inflammatory endocrine aspects. With a specific focus on the most common mTBI symptoms and presentations, Dr Hrkal will present his functional medicine approach on hormonal, nutritional and supplemental interventions and how they can improve clinical outcomes for optometrists.

Generic versus Brand Name – When Does It Really Matter? – COPE ID 92688-PH
Presented by Dr. Marc Bloomenstein
1 hour
This course will answer the age-old question, “Can I get a generic?” Not all drops are created the same and thus each needs to be considered. This course will help to create a decision tree for the clinician.

Have Glaucoma? Would You Like a Side of Dry Eye With That? – COPE ID 92759-GL
Presented by Dr. Mahnia Madan
1 hour
The glaucoma-related ocular surface disease is a significant and often underdiagnosed ocular comorbidity that can affect a patient’s quality of life. This lecture will provide an in-depth review of the various treatment options for not only managing glaucoma but also preserving the ocular surface.

Surgical Procedures in Optometric Practice – COPE ID 92758-SP
Presented by Dr. Blair Lonsberry
1 hour
The ever-expanding scope of practice for optometrists is seeing the need to perform small surgical procedures in optometric practice becoming more commonplace. The following interactive course will explore the common eyelid lesions that are typically removed by optometrists, the most common means of removal, and pre-post operative considerations.

If Not Primary Then Secondary Glaucoma: What You Need to Know – COPE ID 92689-GL
Presented by Dr. Marc Bloomenstein
1 hour
The diagnosis and management of Primary Glaucoma is well documented and taught. However, the Secondary glaucomas carry as big a risk for patients. This course will focus on looking for Secondary Glaucoma, managing the disease and new treatment options.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Concepts in Glaucoma Management – COPE ID 91352-GL
Presented by Dr. Mahnia Madan
1 hour
While much progress has occurred in the diagnosis and management of POAG, the exact pathogenesis and a cure remain elusive. This presentation highlights new concepts in the management of glaucoma and the application of modern technology and therapy in the management of this disease.

What Do I Do With This Cornea, Doc – COPE ID 85299-TD
Presented by Dr. Marc Bloomenstein
1 hour
The cornea, the thin, convex, transparent window that acts as the external lens of the eye is in a word; awesome. This course looks at the inherited anomalies and the acquired which can limit this tissue ability to focus on what is important-putting a clear image on the retina.

Believe It or Not!: Amazing Eye Tech, Astounding Therapies, & Pioneering Procedures – COPE ID 85292-GO
Presented by Dr. Christopher Wroten
2 hours
The goal of this course is for the Practitioner to gain an increased appreciation for current and emerging treatments and technologies in eye care which will impact how patients will be diagnosed, treated, and cared for in the ever-evolving world of eye care.

Uveitis 2023 – COPE ID 84624-TD
Presented by Dr. Andrew Rixon
1 hour
Uveitis is a common problem seen in daily optometric practice. This course will review foundational uveitis concepts, traditional therapies, as well as update the attendees on emerging and future therapies that will enhance their ability to care for patients presenting with this condition.

Common Quotes in Glaucoma Care: Buy, Sell or Hold – Part II – COPE ID 84623-GL
Presented by Dr. Andrew Rixon
1 hour
There is an abundance of common quotations in the glaucoma universe that have led to their acceptance as dogma within clinical practice. Unfortunately, widescale and out of context acceptance of these quotes often leads to misunderstandings/oversimplifications that can negatively influence glaucoma care in the primary care setting.

Common Quotes in Glaucoma Care: Buy, Sell or Hold – Part I – COPE ID 84622-GL
Presented by Dr. Andrew Rixon
1 hour
There is an abundance of common quotations in the glaucoma universe that have led to their acceptance as dogma within clinical practice. Unfortunately, widescale and out of context acceptance of these quotes often leads to misunderstandings/oversimplifications that can negatively influence glaucoma care in the primary care setting.

Myopia Management – Decision Making – COPE ID 78473-GO
Presented by Dr. Jason Compton
1 hour
As myopia management options become more common place in our practices, we find ourselves with multiple options to offer our patients. While this is beneficial, it can complicate the decision-making process. This lecture will review available options and help refine your personal myopia management algorithm.

Scleral Lenses – Advanced Fitting Strategies, Complicated Cases – COPE ID 78472-CL
Presented by Dr. Jason Compton
1 hour
Scleral lenses can be both rewarding and challenging for practitioners. Thankfully, improvements in designs and materials have made what would have previously been considered a challenging case much more manageable. This lecture will review various strategies to address some of your more complicated cases.

Overview of Corneal Dystrophies – COPE ID 78409-TD
Presented by Dr. Brad Sutton
1 hour
This course presents an overview of many inherited corneal dystrophies. Covered conditions include the following dystrophies: EBMD, Meeseman’s, Reis-Buckler’s, Granular, Macular, Lattice, Avellino, Fuch’s, PPD, CHED, and others.

Herpetic Eye Disease Acyclovir to Zoster – COPE ID 78407-TD
Presented by Dr. Jessica Steen
1 hour
This course will provide an overview of the clinical aspects of herpetic eye disease including herpes simplex and herpes zoster. The diagnostic challenge of herpetic eye disease, current treatment trends and clinical pearls will be emphasized through case presentations.

What to Expect Pregnancy and the Eye – COPE ID 78406-PH
Presented by Dr. Jessica Steen
1 hour
This course discusses the necessary considerations for optometrists while managing patients who may be pregnant or breastfeeding. The treatment of acute and chronic ocular conditions using oral and topical medications will be highlighted, with a focus on risk-benefit evaluation. The role of the FDA in evaluating the safety and efficacy of medications in pregnant and nursing individuals will be evaluated. Additionally, maximizing the utility of available key resources for prescribers will be presented.

Five Neuro-Ophthalmic Triage Decisions That Can Save a Life in the Optometric Clinic – COPE ID 78405-NO
Presented by Dr. Andrew Lee
2 hours
In a case-based format, this presentation will examine several neuro-ophthalmic entities with potential for significant morbidity and mortality. Conditions discussed include giant cell arteritis, pituitary apoplexy, aneurysmal third nerve palsy, Horner syndrome and carotid dissection. Key features are presented to enable the clinician to correctly identify these conditions.

Evolution of Artificial Tears – Non-COPE
Presented by Dr. Clara Chan
1 hour
Dr. Clara Chan will present Evolution of Artificial Tears from DEWS II. See the science of 8000+ Trehalose publications for this unique natural bioprotectant that protects lipids and proteins in cell membranes. Trehalose is used in transportation of grafts and organs. Thealoz Duo restores the normal ecosystem of the eye.

The Oh Crap Moment: When Ocular Emergencies Happen – COPE ID 85641-GO
Presented by Dr. Michael Cooper
1 hour
The landscape of emergencies in eye care is an emerging area where Optometry will be poised to hold an increasing role as part of the healthcare team. Subsequently, these injuries warrant further examination and our attention using evidence-based medicine to bolster case studies provided during the presentation. Learn how to effectively identify, treat, and confidently co-manage with specialists these relatively straightforward to difficult-to-treat emergencies in eye care.

Thyroid Dysfunction and the Eye – COPE ID 85619-SD
Presented by Dr. Greg Caldwell
1 hour
This course unravels and illustrates the close association between the eye and thyroid dysfunction. Clinical features, laboratory testing, clinical examination, and therapeutic options will be reviewed. The ocular manifestations and management of this condition will be discussed.

Fundus Autofluorescence Applications for Clinical Practice – COPE ID 85006-TD
Presented by Dr. Brad Sutton
1 hour
This course covers the science of fundus autofluorescence and many clinical applications for use of this technology. Covered conditions include AMD, ICSC, ONH drusen, Plaquenil toxicity, glaucoma, and retinal macular dystrophies.

My Greatest Spikes: Challenging Glaucoma Cases – COPE ID 86674-GL
Presented by Dr. Michael Cooper
2 hour
The world of Glaucoma diagnosis and treatment is evolving in front of our eyes which can be quite daunting even for the most seasoned eye care professional. Subsequently, this disease state warrants further examination and review of the current guidelines from the literature. Learn how to appreciate the gross to subtle nuances in presentation, testing analysis, and treatment to successfully manage these cases.

Laser Peripheral Iridotomy LPI: What’s the Controversy? – COPE ID 85104-LP
Presented by Dr. Nathan Lighthizer
1 hour
The use of laser energy, specifically laser peripheral iridotomy LPI, has been the standard of care for pupillary block narrow angles for many decades. It is an accepted and relatively safe procedure performed by ophthalmologists nationwide, and optometrists in the states that allow ODs to perform anterior segment laser procedures. Recently, evidence and arguments have emerged regarding LPI treatments possibly being overutilized. This interactive 1 hour lecture will review and update clinical evidence and literature regarding laser peripheral iridotomy for narrow angle glaucoma.

Bringing the Love Back to the Visual Field – COPE ID 85618-GO
Presented by Dr. Greg Caldwell
1 hour
The OCT has become an important diagnostic instrument in eye care. The visual field is still equally important in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease. Advances in software and visual field testing have clouded the waters. This course reviews how to use the visual field in your office with proper and efficient techniques. Learn which test is fitting and increase your confidence in interrupting the visual field. Numerous visual fields will be reviewed via a case presentation style.

Laser Therapy for the Open Angle Glaucoma – COPE ID 85101-GL
Presented by Dr. Nathan Lighthizer
1 hour
The use of laser energy to treat open angle glaucoma has been used by optometric physicians in certain states for over a decade now. This interactive presentation will review and update these ophthalmic laser procedures. Indications, contraindications, risks, benefits, potential complications, pre- and post-operative management, and procedural techniques will be discussed regarding ALT and SLT.

In-Office Electrodiagnostics for Non-Glaucoma Patients – COPE ID 85086-TD
Presented by Dr. Nathan Lighthizer
1 hour
Electrodiagnostics can be a confusing, intimidating area in optometry. These tests VEP, ERG, mfERG, EOG are often the key to diagnosis and prognosis of a number of inherited and acquired conditions. Although in the past most optometrists didn’t perform these tests on a regular basis, that is now changing with evolving technology, and this testing is now being incorporated into private practice optometry. Knowing when to refer, and most importantly, which test to refer for can be critical for a patient’s diagnosis and management. This interactive one-hour lecture will review these concepts in electrodiagnostics.

Taking the Mystery Out of Abnormal Pupils – COPE ID 85008-NO
Presented by Dr. Brad Sutton
1 hour
This course covers a host of conditions that can lead to abnormal pupil function. The anatomy of both the parasympathetic and sympathetic pupillary pathways is discussed. Specific entities that are covered include pharmacological involvement, Adies Tonic pupil, third nerve palsies, Argyll-Robertson pupil and others.

Succession Planning for Optometrists – Non COPE
Presented by Jim Chagnon, CPA, CA, TEP
1 hour
This one-hour course covers the optometry profession; succession planning overview; succession planning considerations including timing, options, post-exit and the team; and your next steps.

Human Resources Management for Optometrists – Non COPE
Presented by Rachel Kidney, BSc, MSc, PhD
1 hour
This one-hour course covers recruitment, selection and retention; performance management; compensation and total rewards; health and safety; and scheduling.

Tips on Making Your Business Successful – Non COPE
Presented by Bonnie Tan, CPA, CA
1 hour
This one-hour course covers cash flow and business development, inventory management, financial fluency, industry standards and benchmarking, and preventing fraud.

Tax Planning for Optometrists – Non COPE
Presented by Nick Korhonen, CPA, CA
1 hour
This one-hour course covers tax on split income, passive income changes, tax efficient investment products, recent tax updates, capital gains planning and HST.

Introduction to Financial Planning for Optometrists – Non COPE
Presented by Doug McLarty, FCPA, FCA, CFP, ICD.D, TEP
1 hour
This one-hour course covers the components of a good financial plan, debt repayment, personalized investment strategy, retirement and estate planning.

Introduction to Tax for Optometrists – Non COPE
Presented by Nick Korhonen, CPA, CA
1 hour
This one-hour course covers federal and Ontario tax overviews, tax filing requirements, an introduction to integration, incorporation, tax deferral and selling your business.